Find out how to add a new tool or integration on the Helppier Widget
Our latest version, allows you to easily integrate other tools such as Google Analytics, Mix Panel, and Microsoft Translator directly in the widget.
By accessing our tool library in Widget Settings you can find all available integrations organized by Categories.
1- Access Widget settings (3rd Icon) on the sidebar;
2 - Here's your list of tools. Now click on "Add Tool"
3 - Select a type of tool on the library;
Guides (default tool that allows creating interactive user guides on top of any website) Do not remove this tool
Translations (here you can integrate your Microsoft Translator Key to translate content automatically)
Analytics (Helppier will recognize your Google Analytics or Mixpanel tracking code on your website and make the integration automatically)
Custom Content (use our Embed feature to integrate external tools such as Calendly, Mailchimp, Google Docs, Hubspot Forms using a URL)
For more information about the Embed Tool please see this article.
For more information regarding Helppier's integrations click here.
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